Terms & Conditions

Please read the following Terms and Conditions carefully. Access to and the use of this website (the “Site” or “Utmost Group Companies Site”) is subject to these Terms and Conditions.

Terms and Conditions of Website Use

Important Information: All companies within Quilter International, including Quilter International Isle of Man Limited, Quilter International Ireland dac (now transferred to Utmost PanEurope dac) and Quilter International Trust Company Limited are now part of the Utmost International group of companies and have been rebranded to Utmost.

“We”, “us” and “our” or “Utmost PanEurope” or “Utmost International Isle of Man Limited” or “Utmost Worldwide” or “Utmost Wealth Solutions” or “Utmost Corporate Solutions”  means Utmost PanEurope dac, Utmost International Isle of Man Limited or Utmost Worldwide Limited, as applicable. Utmost Wealth Solutions and Utmost Corporate Solutions are registered business names of Utmost PanEurope dac, Utmost International Isle of Man Limited and Utmost Worldwide Limited.

When we refer to “Utmost Wealth Solutions related companies” or “Utmost Corporate Solutions related companies”, we mean other corporate entities that either use the Utmost Wealth Solutions or Utmost Corporate Solutions business names and/or are a subsidiary of a company that uses it.

Please read the following terms and conditions carefully. Access to and the use of this website (the “website” or the “Utmost International website”) is subject to these terms and conditions. This website is owned and operated by Utmost PanEurope dac, a company incorporated in Ireland, Utmost International Isle of Man Limited, a company incorporated in the Isle of Man; and Utmost Worldwide Limited, a company incorporated in Guernsey.

Accordingly, this website contains content applicable to Utmost PanEurope dac, Utmost International Isle of Man Limited, Utmost Worldwide Limited, their respective subsidiaries, their holding company or any subsidiary thereof depending on which part of the Utmost International website you choose to view; and these entities are collectively referred to as the “Utmost Group Companies”. In this context, and where appropriate, “subsidiary” and “holding company” have the meanings ascribed thereto in section 1 of the Isle of Man Companies Act 1974 (as amended) and in sections 7 and section 8, respectively, of the Companies Act 2014 of Ireland (as amended).

Utmost PanEurope dac is regulated by the Central Bank of Ireland.

Utmost International Isle of Man Limited is regulated by the Isle of Man Financial Services Authority.

Utmost Worldwide Limited is regulated in Guernsey as a Licensed Insurer by the Guernsey Financial Services Commission.

The Utmost International website is an online information and communication service provided by the Utmost Group Companies. By using this website or by downloading materials from the website, you acknowledge your agreement with, and your understanding of, the terms and conditions set forth in this notice. By using this website you will be deemed to have irrevocably agreed to these terms and conditions. If you do not agree to these terms and conditions, please do not use this website.

The information contained within this website is not for use within any country or jurisdiction, or by any persons where such use would constitute a violation of law. If this applies to you, please note that you are not authorised to access or use any of the information contained on this website.

Please ensure that you have read and understood these terms and conditions before proceeding any further.

Access to Website and User Conduct

The content of the Utmost International website is the property of the Utmost Group Companies. All rights reserved. No part of the content of the Utmost International website may be copied, reproduced, transferred, uploaded, published or distributed in any way without to prior written permission from the Utmost Group Companies, except that we consent to you printing extracts from these pages for your personal use only.

The trademarks and logos displayed on this website are the property of the Utmost Group Companies and/or other Utmost Wealth Solutions related companies or Utmost Corporate Solutions related companies. They cannot be used on any website without the prior written consent of the Utmost Group Companies generally or individual entities within the Utmost Group Companies or the relevant company. The Utmost Wealth Solutions and Utmost Corporate Solutions names or any trademark including the trademark UTMOST cannot be incorporated into an Internet address without the prior written consent of the Utmost Group Companies.

We reserve the right to suspend or withdraw access to this website without prior notice at any time and accept no responsibility for the web pages or website not being available at all times. We reserve the right to deny users access to this website or any part of it without prior notice and to decline to provide the service to any users that are in breach of these terms and conditions.


The information on this website is provided in good faith and the Utmost Group Companies believe it to be accurate. The Utmost Group Companies will take all reasonable measures to ensure that the information presented on the website fully conforms to the requisites of reliability, truthfulness and accuracy. However, the Utmost Group Companies do not undertake any obligation or responsibility to update or amend any data, opinions and special sections (dates of assemblies, dates of board meetings, press releases, presentations etc.) that appear in this website exclusively for the purpose of providing information on the activities of Utmost Wealth Solutions related companies and Utmost Corporate Solutions related companies.

In respect of Utmost Wealth Solutions related companies, the information may be used for personal investment decision-making purposes entirely at the user’s risk. In no event shall the Utmost Group Companies or other Utmost Wealth Solutions related companies or other Utmost Corporate Solutions related companies, be liable for any costs or damages, including any direct, indirect, special, incidental, or consequential damages arising out of, or in connection with the access or use of, or the inability to access or use, this website or any of its functions or features, including in connection with any browsing or downloading of any information, data, text, images, or other material accessible through this website or any website linked to, or linking into this website.

It is the responsibility of the user of this website to evaluate the accuracy, completeness, reliability and usefulness of any opinions, services or other information provided. All information provided on this website is provided under the condition and understanding that it is not being interpreted or relied on as professional advice. Users of this website should consult their professional advisers with respect to their personal circumstances. The Utmost Group Companies accept no responsibility for the reliability, truthfulness, accuracy and/or validity of any information within the content of the website which cannot be ascribed to the Utmost Group Companies.

The information contained in this website is produced by the Utmost Group Companies’ resources. Accordingly, we reserve the right to modify the said information and the functional and operational use specifications applying to the website as and when they choose to do so, at their own discretion and with no forewarning.

We accept no responsibility for any errors or imprecision in the content of the website resulting from circumstances that cannot be ascribed to the Utmost Group Companies.

Limitation of Liability and Indemnification

In using this website you specifically agree that you will not hold the Utmost Group Companies or any Utmost Wealth Solutions related company or any Utmost Corporate Solutions related company liable to you or any party for any direct, indirect, special, punitive or other consequential damages of any kind arising out of any use by you of this website (or any other linked website), whether those damages are financial in nature or result from lost, corrupted, incomplete or interrupted data or transactions. The information contained within this website is by necessity of a general nature and further information should be sought by contacting us with your specific requirements.

Not an Offer

No information contained in this website constitutes a solicitation, offer, advice, recommendation, or any other service to acquire or dispose of any investment or to engage in any other investment or transaction by the Utmost Group Companies, or any other Utmost Wealth Solutions related company or Utmost Corporate Solutions related company. We have included certain information on this website as its publication is required or recommended by law, regulations and or a provision of self-regulatory codes.

Nothing on this website constitutes a promise or offer of employment. The Utmost Group Companies and other Utmost Wealth Solutions related companies or Utmost Corporate Solutions related companies are committed to the principles of equal employment opportunity and workplace diversity and all applications are considered in compliance with applicable law.

Product Availability

Some of the products mentioned on this website are only available to persons with a specific residential status. These restrictions are given on each of the detailed pages in the applicable product section, as appropriate. Furthermore, applicants may be restricted by local regulations applicable in their country of residence. The Utmost Group Companies do not provide legal or tax advice and advice should be obtained from a professional adviser.

For the avoidance of doubt, in respect of the content herein and, where relevant, the products made available by the respective licensed product providers:

Utmost PanEurope dac, Utmost International Isle of Man Limited and Utmost Worldwide Limited are responsible jointly, where it contains generic statements which are not product specific;

Utmost PanEurope dac is responsible exclusively and relate to its specific product range;

Utmost International Isle of Man Limited is responsible exclusively and relate to its specific product range; and

Utmost Worldwide Limited is responsible exclusively and relate to its specific product range.

The terms of use of this website will apply between you and the respective product provider whose product pages you choose to review or with whom you already hold a product and you log-in to see relevant details relating to your product. Some of these terms of use are, where indicated, specifically for Utmost PanEurope dac, Utmost International Isle of Man Limited and Utmost Worldwide Limited, as applicable. The remaining terms of use are generic and apply to the company whose website pages or login area you access.

Fund Information – Utmost Wealth Solutions related companies only

The performance statistics shown in the Fund Information section of the Investment Planning section of this website were obtained from Lipper Limited (a Reuters company), Morningstar and Utmost Worldwide Limited. The performance statistics shown in the ILP-Sub Funds section are obtained from Morningstar and Utmost Worldwide Limited. Past performance is for indication only and should not be viewed as a guide to future performance as investment returns may go down as well as up. The performance figures are net of all fund charges but do not take account of any initial charge.

Funds marked with # in the Funds Information section are categorised as UCITS.

Governing Law and Jurisdiction

In general, the website, these terms and conditions and any claim in connection herewith shall be governed by and in accordance with the laws of Ireland without reference to principles of conflicts of laws. In the event of any disputes in relation to the website, all parties will be subject to the jurisdiction of the courts of Ireland.

Notwithstanding the foregoing:

  • the use of this website in respect to any part of it provided by Utmost International Isle of Man is governed by the laws of the Isle of Man and the Isle of Man courts shall have exclusive jurisdiction in respect of any dispute arising in respect thereof; and the use of this website in respect to any part of it provided by Utmost Worldwide Limited in Guernsey is governed by the laws of the Island of Guernsey and the courts of the Island of Guernsey shall have exclusive jurisdiction in respect of any dispute arising in respect thereof. The laws of the Island of Guernsey may differ or fail to satisfy the requirements of the laws of any other country and the products and services contained in this website provided by Utmost Worldwide Limited in Guernsey may not be available to residents or nationals of some countries. It is your responsibility to take legal advice from an appropriate person in, and satisfy yourself as to all applicable laws and regulations of, the jurisdiction(s) of residence, citizenship, domicile and/or access to the content of this website provided by Utmost Worldwide Limited in Guernsey.

The website is not directed for the use of any person that is in any jurisdiction where the publication or availability of the website and its content is contradictory to local laws or regulations.

Regulatory Information

Utmost PanEurope dac is regulated by the Central Bank of Ireland. Utmost PanEurope dac’s Central Bank of Ireland reference number is C33612. Utmost PanEurope dac offers certain of its products for sale in other European Economic Area jurisdictions on a freedom of services basis.

Utmost International Isle of Man Limited is a company limited by shares and is registered in the Isle of Man under number 24916C. Registered office: King Edward Bay House, King Edward Bay, Onchan, Isle of Man, IM99 1NU, British Isles. Utmost International Isle of Man Limited is authorised by the Isle of Man Financial Services Authority.

Utmost Worldwide Limited is incorporated in Guernsey under Company Registration No. 27151 and regulated in Guernsey as a Licensed Insurer by the Guernsey Financial Services Commission under the Insurance Business (Baliwick of Guernsey) Law, 2002 (as amended). Registered Head Office: Utmost House, Hirzel Street, St Peter Port, Guernsey, Channel Islands, GY1 4PA.

Information with regards to the legal entities that form Utmost International is available here.

Data Protection and Privacy

The applicable Privacy Statements for this website are subject to these terms and conditions.

Terms and conditions for webchat

Our webchat service uses a third party Intercom, Inc ‘Intercom’ as a medium for communicating through our website. If you choose to use webchat, Intercom collects your name, email address and website URLS to enable your use of this service. We will provide a limited amount of your information (such as sign-up date and some personal information like your email address) to Intercom and use Intercom to collect data for analytics purposes. As a data processor acting on our behalf, Intercom analyses your use of our website and tracks our relationship by way of cookies and similar technologies so that we can improve our service to you. The first time you use webchat you will be asked to indicate that you are happy for this information to be collected.

You can read our Cookie Policy here.

You can read our Privacy Statements here.

For more information on Intercom’s use of cookies, please visit https://www.intercom.com/terms-and-policies#cookie-policy.

For more information on the privacy practices of Intercom, please visit https://www.intercom.com/terms-and-policies#privacy.

Intercom’s services are governed by Intercom’s terms of use which can be found at https://www.intercom.com/terms-and-policies#terms.

The following Terms of Use apply to your use of Utmost International Isle of Man Limited’s webchat service.

By using the webchat service you are deemed to have accepted these webchat Terms of Use. We reserve the right to change these Terms of Use from time to time at our sole discretion and will publish the updated terms here.


Webchat enables an automated chatbot to interact with Utmost International Isle of Man Limited clients and intermediaries through the Utmost website. Based on the text you input the service will provide information that most closely matches your query. We will only provide general information on our Isle of Man based products and services.

You can also use our webchat service to live chat with our Customer Support team in the Isle of Man. Please be aware that we cannot provide you with financial advice, deal with questions about products from other Utmost Group providers or act upon an instruction from you regarding your Policy with us through webchat. We will let you know if we cannot deal with your request through webchat.

We will endeavour to make the webchat service available to you between 9-5 Monday to Friday, UK time, (excluding UK public holidays) but no assurance or warranty is given for the availability or reliability of the webchat service.

In using the webchat feature on this site you agree:

Not to send or communicate to us any sensitive personal information, for example information such as medical and health information, racial or ethnic origins, religious beliefs, sexual orientation or criminal convictions.

Not to use the webchat in any way that could harm any computer network or system or impair anyone else’s use thereof.

Not to send any offensive, inflammatory, defamatory, fraudulent or otherwise unlawful information.

In addition you acknowledge that:

Your chat session will be recorded and stored. We will store transcripts (copies of the messages you leave or any conversations you have with us). Please see our data privacy notice for further details on how we use and store your personal data.

Utmost can terminate your use of webchat if it reasonably believes that you have breached these Terms of Use.

Links to Other Websites

The links from this website to other websites are provided for your information and convenience purposes only. The Utmost Group Companies assume no responsibility or liability for material created or published by third parties to which this website links. The Utmost Group Companies do not review or monitor these links. If you decide to visit any linked websites, you do so at your own risk and it is your own responsibility to take measures against viruses and other destructive elements. Some websites may be outside your country and subject to different rules and regulations.

Links do not imply that the Utmost Group Companies sponsor, refer, endorse, approve, advertise, offer or solicit or are affiliated with any entity whose products or services are described thereon.

Providing links to other publicly accessible websites is legally permissible and is consistent with the common expectations of those who make use of the Internet.

No person or website may create a link to this website without the written consent of the Utmost Group Companies.

Website Submissions

Any materials, submissions or transmissions sent to the Utmost Group Companies, including by e-mail or via website pages, but excluding information provided for registration to online service areas of the website and personal data as defined under applicable legislation, including, but not limited to, the General Data Protection Regulation, shall be deemed not confidential and shall become the property of the Utmost Group Companies. Accordingly, the Utmost Group Companies shall have no obligation of any kind with respect to such materials and shall be free to reproduce, use, disclose, display, transform, create derivative works and distribute the materials to others without limitation. Furthermore, the Utmost Group Companies shall be free to use any ideas, concepts, know-how or techniques contained in such materials for any purpose whatsoever, including, but not limited to, developing, manufacturing and marketing products incorporating such materials. You warrant that such materials are fit for publication and you hereby agree to indemnify the Utmost Group Companies if any third party takes action against the Utmost Group Companies in relation to such materials.

Please refer to the privacy statements and notices, available on this website, for further details on how the Utmost Group Companies process any personal data submitted to them.

The Utmost Group Companies cannot guarantee the security of information that is communicated using email or otherwise over the internet. It is advised that any confidential and/or sensitive information should not be transmitted in this manner.

General User Conduct

When accessing or making use of any part of this website, you may not:

Post or transmit any unlawful, threatening, abusive, libellous, defamatory, obscene, pornographic, profane or otherwise objectionable information of any kind that may give rise to civil liability or otherwise violate any national or international law;

Post or transmit any information or software which contains any form of virus;

Interfere with the functioning of this website or restrict or inhibit other users from using this website; or

Post, publish, transmit, reproduce, distribute or exploit any information obtained through this website for commercial purposes without the prior written consent of the Utmost Group of Companies.

Information Updates

All content included within this website, including these terms and conditions, is subject to being updated and changed at any time, without notice. The latest version will be made available on this website.

Website Property Rights

The intellectual property rights and all other rights relating to all content on this website belong to the Utmost Group Companies or are used under licence from another Utmost Wealth Solutions related company or Utmost Corporate Solutions related company. The Utmost Group Companies retain all rights, title, interest and intellectual property rights in the content of this website. Use of the content of this website is restricted to personal use by you. Any storing, reprocessing, reutilising, reproduction, distribution, dissemination or transmission of all or part of the content of this website is prohibited except where expressly permitted by the Utmost Group Companies.

Utmost PanEurope dac is a designated activity company registered in Ireland (Number 311420)

Registered Office:

Navan Business Park
Co. Meath
C15 CCW8

Business Address:

Navan Business Park
Co. Meath
C15 CCW8
Telephone: +353 (0) 46 9099 700
Email: CCSFrontOffice@utmost.ie

Warning Notice